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Divorce. Is it really as easy as it looks online?

You can end your divorce at the click of a button but how will you deal with arrangements for the children, for resolving the matrimonial finances or for resolving any other issues which you simply cannot resolve using the internet.

It is estimated that about 23,000 have already submitted divorce petitions online since the government introduced the facility.  It certainly can be a cheaper and quicker route to obtaining a divorce but there are obviously very often much bigger issues to deal with.

At mosshaselhurst solicitors we are able to support you through the process and be with you all the way through your divorce dealing with all the issues you need to address in a manner which reduces your stress and provides the support you need.

We at mosshaselhurst can protect your interests in relation to financial matters by acting proactively and in a skilled way on your behalf putting your needs at the heart of the matter.

Do remember that the online divorce does not provide you with any legal advice or guidance whatsoever and you can only obtain such guidance by seeking advice from a solicitor.

Even if you have started your divorce online and need help with the procedure or resolving the financial and/or children issues along the way we are here to help you.

If you would like to talk to one of our specialist family lawyers please email us now on.