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Legal Blog

Lasting Powers of Attorney...

Lasting Powers of Attorney… Have you made one to protect both your health and finances AND have you registered them? If you have made the necessary arrangements to protect both your health and your assets in the future and have wisely prepared...

Employers Beware of "Mouse Movers"

Employers Beware of “Mouse Movers” An American bank has dismissed more than a dozen employees for using “mouse movers” on their work PC. A “mouse mover” is a small devices placed under a mouse to keep the cursor...

Do you have a fitted a dash cam in your vehicle?

Do you have a fitted a dash cam in your vehicle? If so is it positioned legally? Clearly your fitted dash cam should not obstruct your field of vision while you are driving. Department for Transport (DfT) guidance states that ‘Drivers must ensure...

Helpful tips for First Time Buyers

Helpful tips for First Time Buyers How much you can borrow will depend on three main things: your income, your outgoings and the size of the deposit you plan to put down. We would like to advise you of the following tips in order to help with your...


NEW CODE OF PRACTICE ON DISMISSAL AND RE-ENGAGEMENT A new Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-engagement will come info effect on 18 July 2024 setting out the Employer’s responsibilities when seeking to change employment terms. The purpose of the...

What is a Notice of Intended Prosecution? (NIP)

What is a Notice of Intended Prosecution? (NIP) An NIP is a written notice served by the Police upon the registered keeper of a motor vehicle stating that it is proposed to take criminal proceedings in relation to one or more road traffic offences committed...

A vital step towards ending the nightmare for Leaseholders.

         A vital step towards ending the nightmare for Leaseholders. The sudden frenzy stirred up by the calling of a snap general election by Rishi Sunak on a wet & dreary day in May has led to many well...


QUIT TOK – HOW SHOULD EMPLOYERS RESPOND? One of the latest trends amongst younger workers  is to covertly film meetings at which they resign or are dismissed and then post them on TikTok or other social media platforrms, achieving thousands of...

Motoring Blog Seatbelt Exemptions

In this month’s Motoring blog we conclude our series of 3 blogs regarding the law relating to the wearing of seatbelts. In the first of our seatbelt blogs we considered the current law relating to a child under the age of 3 years travelling in a...

Trust in your Solicitor

Trust in your Solicitor In a recent survey trust in Solicitors has fallen but consumers continue to place reputation above all when they select one. When asked what factors were important in choosing their legal provider 77% chose reputation with the...
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