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Calls made for Stamp Duty Reform


Calls for a reform on stamp duty have been made as ordinary homeowners have hit by a tax aimed at buy to let landlords.


An extra 3% stamp duty surcharge was introduced in April 2016 for anyone buying an additional property.


The problem has arisen for people who aim to sell their current main residence and purchase a new one where the sale has fallen through. It means they effectively own two properties and have to pay the higher rate of tax.


The size of the bills can be considerable and home owners need to find the extra cash to pay the stamp duty, which is then refunded to them by HMRC once their property is sold (provided the sale takes place within 3 years).


At mosshaselhurst Solicitors we are award winning property specialists and can help with your claim for a stamp duty refund. Please contact us at reception@mosshaselhurst.co.uk or telephone the office on 01606 74301 for assistance.