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Debt Collection

Our debt recovery team at mosshaselhurst Solicitors can offer you and your business a comprehensive and effective service for the swift recovery of debts. The very existence of your business may be under threat if you are owed money. No business can survive without cash flow and uncollected debts may be damaging to your cash flow. We often find a simple letter written on a Solicitor’s letterhead is enough to make a debtor pay up. If this doesn’t work then it may be necessary to take the debtor to Court, make them bankrupt or wind up their company to secure payment.

Our dedicated debt collection team can help you and your business by:-

  • Sending out a 7 day letter before action
  • Negotiating a payment plan with the debtor if necessary
  • Starting proceedings in the County Court or High Court for recovery
  • Sending out a formal demand for payment under insolvency rules
  • Starting bankruptcy or winding up proceedings

We aim to provide business people with an efficient and cost effective solution for the recovery of business debt. We will always try to first recover payment without resorting to Court action by sending a 7 day letter before action. Please contact us to see how we can help your business.

Please follow the link to the Debt Collection Flow Chart for further information./cms/documents/Debt_collection_flow_chart__2_.docx